May 28, 2012

Ryan Graduated!

Congratulations to Ryan who graduated On Thursday. Time truly does fly.

He's off to the University of Tampa in August!

May 16, 2012

Patrick and The Bird

Patrick and I went to O's game and endured the rain. 1st baseball game for him and he loved every minute of it (including The Bird).

Emily's 1st Birthday

What a day it was.

May 9, 2012

The ZOO!!

We spent Sunday at the zoo! It was great! The boys saw an assortment of "horses" even ones with long necks and stripes and horns. They also loved the elephants and the fishes.

We went with Liz's boss as well as a friend visiting from Guyana.

All in all... Definitely another reason to add to the Loving Baltimore List!