June 28, 2011

Just Beachy!

Hello again!

As Scott eluded to in his prior post about our Week of Adventure... we headed back to the beach this past weekend.  That makes two Saturdays in a row of sand-filled-fun!  Some people say we are crazy, but it is a quick 2.5 hour drive east and you arrive at Beautiful Rehoboth Beach.

As for our "water-loving" munchkins... we spent a long time this past weekend preparing Parker for the water.  Some of our prior posts eluded to the fact that Parker and the water are not best friends; he didn't like the river, the pool, the baby pool, or the ocean.  But, in an effort to have "beach babies" we decided to try again... with a little help from match.com, we may have soulmates!!  

For a moment we thought no other love would be as true as that between Parker and the Ocean...  then we introduced Bentley to the sand.  Little did we know the love that was about to ensue!

Yes... Bentley ate the sand.  Bentley picked up giant fist-fulls of sand and shoved them up his nose, in his ears and down his throat!  If you don't believe me about the eating part... you are welcome to come down to visit and change a diaper!  Because, sand is not absorbed and is quite exfoliating on the way out... several days later!

June 27, 2011

Greatest Week of your Life

Uncle E was in town all week and I'm not sure that we could have done anything else.

Good thing that I'm invincible as a normal human wouldn't have survived.....seriously....the power of caffeine can take you places...

Sunday - US Open

Monday - Errands and Happy Hour

Tuesday - National History Museum and Nationals Game
              - Walk off 3 run homer in the 9th.

Wednesday - U2 Concert
             - Knock that one off the "Bucket List"

Thursday - Hershey Park
             - 4 guys and 2 babies....there's nothing weird about that

Friday - Liz's Graduation
             - Congrats on finishing Liz...sorta.....you'll be done in September.

Saturday - Rehobeth Beach, Orioles Game, Night out

Sunday - Day of Rest; Night at Bundy's

The most impressive thing of the week were all of the "old bay" wings that were eaten and the amount of Soda consumed by Uncle E (it's truly impressive).

Look back for some photos as I'm literally too tired to walk up stairs.

June 19, 2011

It should be called "Father's Weekend"

What a weekend it was.

Picnic on Friday at the waterfront park yielded a few good pictures.  It's the start of crab season (still a bit early) and I watched some of the locals pull some outta the water.

Liz, Jackie, Parker, Bentley and I went to Rehobeth Beach on Saturday for a spontaneous day trip.  What a great day.  2.5 hour drive to a really nice beach with real waves, fudge, ice cream, pizza, french fries (no ketchup...strange) and tons of beauties on the beach!

Erik is in town for the week...yahtzee....and arrived to some midnight sausages on Saturday night.

Guess what we did today??  Yes.......you guessed it.......

US Open at Congressional Country Club!  

No cameras, cell phones, electronic noisemakers are allowed so we have zero pictures, but do have the tickets to prove our attendance.  We "Bjorn'd" the boys all day who did quite well.

Liz and I were mortified that the boys would scream during the "quiet" time....fortunately, there were no disasters (besides Bentley's massive diaper).

We did meet Rory Sabatini's wife Amy.  Quite nice and not ugly....

The only bummer of the day is that I broke my tooth while eating a hamburger.  Dr. Morini to the rescue tomorrow.  Hopefully no need for a root canal.  Check out this tooth.......

June 17, 2011

Rolling on the couch.....

Parker loves to show off his moves (and his butt)!

Some New Pics - Thank you Matt and Jess






Liz is Published!

Liz and I made it out together on a Date Night for her Book Signing.  She is the Author of Chapter 11 "Fluids and Electrolytes" for the Harriet Lane Handbook.  
Is it an Omen that Liz had "Chapter 11"??

In front of the Palace Walls
Marc got the memo that Purple is the New Black

June 16, 2011

Different Personalities Emerging

The boys may be identical, but their personalities are quite different...  we are seeing more and more of this each day.  For example:

Parker loves to roll... and will go from front to back and back to front... Bentley loves to sit and pull to stand.  Horizontal mover and shaker vs. Vertical challenger!

Bentley loves the pool...  Parker, well... not so much.  But, we will keep trying!

Parker will babble and Bentley will scream.

They Both love to Smile and Laugh!

June 13, 2011

Daddy's Back

Back....back....back..in the U S A.....

London never disappoints.  Lots to see and do.

Most importantly, I am soooooooooo glad that the US doesn't allow for Nude Cycling!

June 11, 2011

Baby Pool

In general...  baby stuff is expensive.  But, we picked up this little pool for $6.99!  You can barely buy a drink for that price at some bars... I mean some bars in NYC... you can still get a beer for a buck here in Baltimore.

I digress...  so... for the bargain price of $6.99 we are set up for a summer full of fun!  As for Bentley... he just likes to eat his toys either in the pool or not.  As for Parker...  well... let's be glad the pool was just $6.99 because based on his response, it will be a pool for one!

We Miss You Daddy

... come home soon!

The boys' first adventure in the grass went... well... not so great.  As you can see from the photo above, they either like grass as much as their mom...  or they just really want their dad to come home!

Either way...  wishing you a safe trip back across The Pond babe!  Your little family can't wait to see you!

Lots of Love,

Liz, Parker and Bentley

June 7, 2011

1st Baseball Game

Sweet Seats
Thanks to Tyler's dad's company the boys (and us) were super spoiled last night as we were 21 rows behind home plate.  4-2 O's victory.  Guess who was the player of the game?!  Our favorite relief pitcher!

Bentley and Liz
Parker knew that the game was over....for him at least
Chick Magnets

June 6, 2011

Miss Julia On Vacation

Enjoy your time in Germany.  See  you soon!

The boys (and us) miss you terribly......

June 4, 2011

Dr. Morini and Mrs. Morini

Ever need a compliment?  Just invite over Mrs. Morini.....she'll make you feel like father of the year.

Need a dentist?  See Dr. Morini.....The boys had their first dental exam today (passed with flying colors).  Yes...they each have two teeth that are breaking the surface.

June 2, 2011

All Smiles

The consensus is that we have some happy little guys. Today is an especially happy day (not sure why), but the boys cannot stop smiling.  Maybe it's the shirts! (Liz had them dressed in "Mommy" shirts and I changed them...j/k)

Maybe they are on a perfect schedule.
Dad's Monkey and Monster
Daily Schedule:
6:30 am wake-up and eat
8:45 am eat
9:00 am nap
11:00 am awake 
12:30 lunch
1:30 pm nap
3:30 awake and eat
4:00 go for a walk/evening activity
7:00 eat
7:15 bed time

Every day is a Saturday for these guys except they run their life like the Navy (up at 6:30 regardless of day).