March 31, 2011


Hello Family and Friends!

Welcome to our Blog. 

Can y'all believe the boys are four-and-a-half months old!  Eeeh... gad... Where did the time go?? 
The last few months have been an absolute whirlwind and adventure; one that we wouldn't change for the world.  It goes without saying that the boys have been keeping us a little busy, but we finally got our act together and started up this mini-website to keep you updated with pictures of the twinkies as they grow.
Speaking of grow... let's take a look back at where this all started.  Well... maybe not that far back, but at least to where they started.  Afterall, that's was this blog is for... right??

There they are on their Birth Day.  Parker David is on the left weighing in at 6lbs 1oz with younger brother Bentley William on the right holding his own at 5lbs 3oz.  Hard to believe that at our last Pediatrician's appointment, they weighed 16lbs 1oz and 15lbs 9oz, respectfully.

Now is a good time to introduce their weekly photos.  Yep... that's right... in between changing 20 diapers and feeding close to 70oz of milk a day; we decided to take their picture every week.  Because they just grow up so stinking fast... boo!  See that cute picture on the right that says, "watch us grow"?  You can click that to see all of their photos.  But, realize that by "all," I mean "all the photos I have had a chance to edit, photoshop and upload."  

Now on to a little more recent twinkie lovefest:  That's the boys on Day 104!!  Parker is paste and Bentley is copy.  Sidenote:  There was much discussion in our house regarding who would be copy and who would be paste.  My argument being that Parker and paste start with the same letter... Scott's being that Parker was born first and thus copied and pasted into Bentley.  Well... I won, but who knows if I'm right?  Thoughts?  
That brings us to the final fun note for the day.  The blog allows all of you viewing to add comments and messages... so please keep in touch!

GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS:  Ok... maybe one more fun note.  I am going to try very hard to keep this blog updated.  My goal is to post three times a week.  In posting frequently, I am going to try to keep it real... as in not stress about perfection, but focus more on getting out the message.  So, please forgive if occasionally I get behind.  But, please come back often to check in on how things are going!

Lots of Love,
Liz and Scott and Parker and Bentley