I lost my babies. That's right... I'm not sure what happened, but my babies are gone and have been replaced by two independent, sweet, adorable and amazing toddler boys.
Mother's out there, I'm sure you can appreciate this reflection. But, the time seems to have just FLOWN by. Just one second ago... I swear... it was one second ago... they were little bundled-up-lumps-of-baby. They needed me for everything. They would cry and I would respond. Sometimes for food, sometimes for diaper changes and sometimes just for a snuggle.
Don't get me wrong... they still cry and they still need me. But, it is so much different. They walk to the kitchen when the are hungry. They climb onto my lap when the want a snuggle. If I ask for kisses, I get big-sloppy-wet-open-mouth-slobbers-of-joy on my nose. They love to play ball and get very excited to slam dunk; they even play their own version of "catch" with each other. They love the slide so much, they have a temper tantrum when it is time to leave the playground. They will sit and play with their blocks and rings until they figure it out. They dance to the beat of all bad pop hits.
They are learning. They are changing. They are growing up :(
Watching them play today in the park, I became very sentimental. As I was mulling over this discovery of toddlerhood, I couldn't help but think about what happens next? What will it feel like when I lose my toddlers and gain kids; or when I lose them too and gain adolescents?!?!?!
In an effort to stay here in this moment, just a bit longer... here are many photos from our day in the park.
Parker |
Bentley |
Beautifully said !