August 22, 2011

Milestone Alert: Pulling to Stand!

Exciting news!

As previously mentioned, Parker is officially crawling.  What started as a backwards-wiggle and progressed to a forward-moving-army-dive, is now officially a crawl.

Meanwhile, Bentley has been hanging out rolling around.  No crawling, but lots of rolling.

That is, until today... when Bentley skipped crawling and decided to PULL TO STAND!  That's right... he was sitting in his crib, well actually Parker's crib... and he just grabbed on to the rail and pulled to stand!

and then...  just like that...  Parker did it too!

Parker                                   Bentley

1 comment:

  1. I love their wide open mouths in the last photo. I can hear them saying. "did it , did it, checkerino"
