June 2, 2011

All Smiles

The consensus is that we have some happy little guys. Today is an especially happy day (not sure why), but the boys cannot stop smiling.  Maybe it's the shirts! (Liz had them dressed in "Mommy" shirts and I changed them...j/k)

Maybe they are on a perfect schedule.
Dad's Monkey and Monster
Daily Schedule:
6:30 am wake-up and eat
8:45 am eat
9:00 am nap
11:00 am awake 
12:30 lunch
1:30 pm nap
3:30 awake and eat
4:00 go for a walk/evening activity
7:00 eat
7:15 bed time

Every day is a Saturday for these guys except they run their life like the Navy (up at 6:30 regardless of day).   

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