June 10, 2012

Fountain Video

Harbor Fountain

After church we took the boys to the Inner Harbor Fountain. They have really been enjoying water this summer... To say they "enjoyed" the fountain would be the understatement of the century. Such fun!!

June 8, 2012

First ice cream truck

... If only we had taken pictures of the after.

Little Gardeners

We have been enjoying some beautiful weather in Baltimore lately. Spending our time outside helping our wonderful neighbor, Michelle, with some expert gardening.

The boys are naturals at digging and taking and watering... Especially watering themselves.

To cool off we all took a watermelon break. Delicious.

Yes... Parker is a bit of a ham... Very good at making silly faces!

Street Festival

One of the great things about city living is running into festivals, fairs and friends. Out for a morning walk the other day landed us at a harbor east fashion show with good friends Dwayne and Grayson.

And yes that is my kid walking a dog and eating stray chips from the ground.